NED File src/inet/routing/gpsr/GPSR.ned

Name Type Description
IGPSR module interface

This module interface is used by GPSR implementations.

GPSR simple module

This module provides Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks. The implementation supports both GG and RNG planarization algorithms.

MultiGPSR compound module

This module provides GPSR routing for multiple network protocols simultaneously.

Source code:

// Copyright (C) 2013 Opensim Ltd
// Author: Levente Meszaros
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

package inet.routing.gpsr;

import inet.networklayer.multi.NetworkDatagramMultiplexer;

// This module interface is used by GPSR implementations.
moduleinterface IGPSR
        input ipIn;
        output ipOut;

// This module provides Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless Networks.
// The implementation supports both GG and RNG planarization algorithms.
// For more information on the routing algorithm, see the GPSR paper
simple GPSR like IGPSR
        // properties

        // context parameters
        string interfaceTableModule;   // The path to the InterfaceTable module
        string routingTableModule;
        string networkProtocolModule = default("^.networkLayer.ip");
        string outputInterface = default("wlan0");

        // GPSR parameters
        int planarizationMode @enum(0,1) = default(0); // 0 for GG, 1 for RNG
        string interfaces = default("*");
        double beaconInterval @unit("s") = default(10s);
        double maxJitter @unit("s") = default(1s);
        double neighborValidityInterval @unit("s") = default(30s);
        int positionByteLength @unit(B) = default(2 * 4B);

        input ipIn;
        output ipOut;

// This module provides GPSR routing for multiple network protocols simultaneously.
module MultiGPSR like IGPSR
        bool enableIPv4 = default(true);
        bool enableIPv6 = default(true);
        bool enableGeneric = default(true);
        string interfaceTableModule;   // The path to the InterfaceTable module
        string routingTableModule;
        *.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(interfaceTableModule));
        ipv4.routingTableModule = default(absPath(routingTableModule)  + ".ipv4");
        ipv4.networkProtocolModule = default("^.^.networkLayer.ipv4.ip");
        ipv6.routingTableModule = default(absPath(routingTableModule)  + ".ipv6");
        ipv6.networkProtocolModule = default("^.^.networkLayer.ipv6.ipv6");
        generic.routingTableModule = default(absPath(routingTableModule)  + ".generic");
        generic.networkProtocolModule = default("^.^.networkLayer.generic.gnp");

        input ipIn;
        output ipOut;

        ipv4: GPSR if enableIPv4 {
        ipv6: GPSR if enableIPv6 {
        generic: GPSR if enableGeneric {
        multiplexer: NetworkDatagramMultiplexer {

    connections allowunconnected:
        multiplexer.upperOut --> ipOut;
        ipIn --> multiplexer.upperIn;
        multiplexer.lowerOut++ --> ipv4.ipIn if enableIPv4;
        ipv4.ipOut --> multiplexer.lowerIn++ if enableIPv4;
        multiplexer.lowerOut++ --> ipv6.ipIn if enableIPv6;
        ipv6.ipOut --> multiplexer.lowerIn++ if enableIPv6;
        multiplexer.lowerOut++ --> generic.ipIn if enableGeneric;
        generic.ipOut --> multiplexer.lowerIn++ if enableGeneric;