Packet BGPOpenMessage

File: src/inet/routing/bgpv4/BGPMessage/BGPOpen.msg

C++ definition

Represents a BGPv4 OPEN message.

Fields modelled:

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
BGPHeader packet

Represents a BGPv4 message header.


Name Type Description
type char
version char
myAS unsigned short
holdTime simtime_t
BGPIdentifier IPv4Address
optionalParameters BGPOptionalParameters[]

Source code:

// Represents a BGPv4 OPEN message.
// Fields modelled:
// - Version: 1 octet (BGP version)
// - My Autonomous system: 2 octets  (AS of the sender)
// - Hold Time: 2 octets (nbr de secondes que l'emetteur propose pour le compteur de renetue)
// - BGP Identifier: 4 octets
// - Optional Param Length: 1 octet (if = 0, no optional parameters)
// - Optional Parameters:
//    - Parameter Type
//    - Parameter Length
//    - Parameter Values (variable size)
//    - Auth code
//    - Authentication Data
packet BGPOpenMessage extends BGPHeader
    type = BGP_OPEN;

    char version = 4;
    unsigned short myAS;
    simtime_t holdTime;
    IPv4Address BGPIdentifier;
    BGPOptionalParameters optionalParameters[];