Struct TELinkStateInfo

File: src/inet/networklayer/ted/TED.msg

Represents a link in the TED and in LinkStateMsg packets.

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
advrouter IPv4Address

routerId of originator of this link state entry

linkid IPv4Address

identifies link within advrouter; set to peer's address

local IPv4Address

address of local interface of this link

remote IPv4Address

address of "gateway" to peer

metric double

link metric

MaxBandwidth double

maximum bandwidth (bps)

UnResvBandwidth double[8]

unreserved bandwidths --FIXME indexed by what?

timestamp simtime_t

time of originating this entry

sourceId unsigned int

FIXME looks like this is the same as advrouter -- really needed?

messageId unsigned int

id assigned to originating LinkStateMsg (FIXME or?)

state bool

false = down, true = up

Source code:

// Represents a link in the ~TED and in ~LinkStateMsg packets.
struct TELinkStateInfo
    IPv4Address advrouter; // routerId of originator of this link state entry
    IPv4Address linkid;    // identifies link within advrouter; set to peer's address
    IPv4Address local;     // address of local interface of this link
    IPv4Address remote;    // address of "gateway" to peer
    double metric;       // link metric
    double MaxBandwidth; // maximum bandwidth (bps)
    double UnResvBandwidth[8]; // unreserved bandwidths --FIXME indexed by what?

    simtime_t timestamp;    // time of originating this entry
    unsigned int sourceId;  // FIXME looks like this is the same as advrouter -- really needed?
    unsigned int messageId; // id assigned to originating ~LinkStateMsg (FIXME or?)
    bool state;             // false = down, true = up