Msg File src/inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/SignallingMsg.msg

Name Type Description
SignallingMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

PsbTimerMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

PsbTimeoutMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

RsbRefreshTimerMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

RsbCommitTimerMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

RsbTimeoutMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

HelloTimerMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

HelloTimeoutMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

PathNotifyMsg message

FIXME missing documentation

Source code:

// (C) 2005 Vojtech Janota
// (C) 2003 Xuan Thang Nguyen
// This library is free software, you can redistribute it
// and/or modify
// it under  the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
// The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

cplusplus {{
#include "inet/networklayer/contract/ipv4/IPv4Address.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/rsvp_te/IntServ.h"

#define MSG_PSB_TIMER               1
#define MSG_PSB_TIMEOUT             2

#define MSG_RSB_REFRESH_TIMER       3
#define MSG_RSB_COMMIT_TIMER        4
#define MSG_RSB_TIMEOUT             5

#define MSG_HELLO_TIMER             6
#define MSG_HELLO_TIMEOUT           7

#define MSG_PATH_NOTIFY             8

#define PATH_CREATED                1
#define PATH_UNFEASIBLE             2
#define PATH_FAILED                 3
#define PATH_PREEMPTED              4
#define PATH_RETRY                  5

namespace inet;

class noncobject IPv4Address;

class noncobject SessionObj_t;

class noncobject SenderTemplateObj_t;

// FIXME missing documentation
message SignallingMsg
    int command = 0;

// FIXME missing documentation
message PsbTimerMsg extends SignallingMsg
    int id;

    command = MSG_PSB_TIMER;

// FIXME missing documentation
message PsbTimeoutMsg extends SignallingMsg
    int id;

    command = MSG_PSB_TIMEOUT;

// FIXME missing documentation
message RsbRefreshTimerMsg extends SignallingMsg
    int id;

    command = MSG_RSB_REFRESH_TIMER;

// FIXME missing documentation
message RsbCommitTimerMsg extends SignallingMsg
    int id;

    command = MSG_RSB_COMMIT_TIMER;

// FIXME missing documentation
message RsbTimeoutMsg extends SignallingMsg
    int id;

    command = MSG_RSB_TIMEOUT;

// FIXME missing documentation
message HelloTimerMsg extends SignallingMsg
    IPv4Address peer;

    command = MSG_HELLO_TIMER;

// FIXME missing documentation
message HelloTimeoutMsg extends SignallingMsg
    IPv4Address peer;

    command = MSG_HELLO_TIMEOUT;

// FIXME missing documentation
message PathNotifyMsg extends SignallingMsg
    SessionObj_t session;
    SenderTemplateObj_t sender;

    int status;

    command = MSG_PATH_NOTIFY;