Class IPv4OptionTimestamp

File: src/inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.msg

C++ definition

Option structure: Timestamp

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
IPv4Option class (no description)


Name Type Description
type short
flag int

length = 4 + 4 * getRecordAddressArraySize() + 4 * getRecordTimestampArraySize();

overflow short
nextIdx short

pointer = 5 + (flag == IP_TIMESTAMP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY ? 4 : 8) * nextIdx

recordAddress IPv4Address[]

use either up to 4 addresses with timestamps or only up to 9 timestamps, according to the flag

recordTimestamp simtime_t[]
length short

total length of option

Source code:

// Option structure: Timestamp
class IPv4OptionTimestamp extends IPv4Option
    // length = 4 + 4 * getRecordAddressArraySize() + 4 * getRecordTimestampArraySize();
    int flag @enum(TimestampFlag);
    short overflow;
    short nextIdx;
    // pointer = 5 + (flag == IP_TIMESTAMP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY ? 4 : 8) * nextIdx

    // use either up to 4 addresses with timestamps or
    // only up to 9 timestamps, according to the flag
    IPv4Address recordAddress[];
    simtime_t recordTimestamp[];