Class IPv6NDPrefixInformation

File: src/inet/networklayer/icmpv6/IPv6NDMessage.msg

C++ definition

IPv6ND Prefix Information RFC 2461 / RFC 4861 Section 4.6.2 RFC 3775 Section 7.2 (routerAddressFlag)

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
prefixLength unsigned short
onlinkFlag bool


autoAddressConfFlag bool


routerAddressFlag bool

R-bit: used in case of MIPv6 when the H-bit is set

validLifetime unsigned int


preferredLifetime unsigned int


prefix IPv6Address

Source code:

// IPv6ND Prefix Information
// RFC 2461 / RFC 4861 Section 4.6.2
// RFC 3775 Section 7.2 (routerAddressFlag)
class IPv6NDPrefixInformation
    unsigned short prefixLength;
    bool onlinkFlag;        //L-bit
    bool autoAddressConfFlag;    //A-bit
    bool routerAddressFlag;        //R-bit: used in case of MIPv6 when the H-bit is set
    unsigned int validLifetime;    // seconds
    unsigned int preferredLifetime;    // seconds
    IPv6Address prefix;