Packet ARPPacket

File: src/inet/networklayer/arp/ipv4/ARPPacket.msg

C++ definition

ARP packet. This is a specialized version: prepared for IEEE 802 hardware addresses and IPv4. Packet fields are therefore represented by C++ classes MACAddress and IPv4Address. Also, some ARP protocol header fields are not modelled explicitly (their values are implied):

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
opcode int
srcMACAddress MACAddress
destMACAddress MACAddress
srcIPAddress IPv4Address
destIPAddress IPv4Address

Source code:

// ARP packet. This is a specialized version: prepared for IEEE 802 hardware
// addresses and IPv4. Packet fields are therefore represented by C++ classes
// MACAddress and IPv4Address. Also, some ARP protocol header fields are
// not modelled explicitly (their values are implied):
//   - hardwareType (not needed for modelling);
//   - protocol type (0x800 IPv4)
//   - hardware address length (6)
//   - protocol address length (4)
packet ARPPacket
    int opcode @enum(ARPOpcode);
    MACAddress srcMACAddress;
    MACAddress destMACAddress;
    IPv4Address srcIPAddress;
    IPv4Address destIPAddress;