Class Ieee80211AuthenticationFrameBody

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg

C++ definition

Authentication frame body format.

Note: the "isLast" field is not part of the standard. The authentication procedure is simulated by this model by exchanging a number of "dummy" authentication frames without real contents; the "isLast" field gets set by the AP to signal the STA that the authentication procedure has completed and it does not need to send any more Authentication frames.

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
Ieee80211FrameBody class

Frame body base class used to hide various frame body types


Name Type Description
bodyLength short

not an actual frame field

sequenceNumber unsigned short
statusCode int
isLast bool

not part of the standard; see above

Source code:

// Authentication frame body format.
// Note: the "isLast" field is not part of the standard.
// The authentication procedure is simulated by this model by exchanging
// a number of "dummy" authentication frames without real contents;
// the "isLast" field gets set by the AP to signal the STA that
// the authentication procedure has completed and it does not need to
// send any more Authentication frames.
class Ieee80211AuthenticationFrameBody extends Ieee80211FrameBody
    bodyLength = 6; // add 2+len bytes for challenge text if present
    unsigned short sequenceNumber;
    int statusCode @enum(Ieee80211StatusCode);
    bool isLast; // not part of the standard; see above