Class Ieee80211AssociationRequestFrameBody

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mgmt/Ieee80211MgmtFrames.msg

C++ definition

Association request frame body format

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
Ieee80211FrameBody class

Frame body base class used to hide various frame body types

Known subclasses:

Name Type Description
Ieee80211ReassociationRequestFrameBody class

Re-association request frame body format (same as association)


Name Type Description
bodyLength short

not an actual frame field

SSID string
supportedRates Ieee80211SupportedRatesElement

Source code:

// Association request frame body format
class Ieee80211AssociationRequestFrameBody extends Ieee80211FrameBody
    bodyLength = 16; // assuming a 8-character SSID     //FIXME bodyLength = 2 + length(SSID) + 2 + supportedRates.numRates
    string SSID;
    Ieee80211SupportedRatesElement supportedRates;