Packet Ieee80211Delba

File: src/inet/linklayer/ieee80211/mac/Ieee80211Frame.msg

C++ definition DELBA frame format

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
Ieee80211ActionFrame packet Action frame format -- mgmt frame with subtype action


Name Type Description
category short

TODO: subclasses will add action subfield contents short action @enum(WirelessNetworkManagementAction); // action TODO: remove it

blockAckAction int

representing DELBA

initiator bool

DELBA Parameter Set It is set to 1 to indicate the originator and is set to 0 to indicate the recipient. The Initiator subfield indicates if the originator or the recipient of the data is sending this frame.

tid int

The TID subfield indicates the TSID or the UP for which the Block Ack has been originally set up.

reasonCode int

This Reason Code field is used to indicate the reason that an unsolicited notification management frame of type Disassociation, Deauthentication, DELTS, DELBA, DLS Teardown, or Mesh Peering Close was generated.

type short

type and subtype

address3 MACAddress
fragmentNumber short
sequenceNumber uint16
transmitterAddress MACAddress

aka address2

toDS bool
fromDS bool
retry bool
moreFragments bool
duration simtime_t

TODO: rename to durationField (levy)

AID short

"id" (Association ID) in the Duration/ID field (-1=no ID)

receiverAddress MACAddress

aka address1

MACArrive simtime_t

FIXME remove it, technical data, used inside of MAC module

Source code:

// DELBA frame format
packet Ieee80211Delba extends Ieee80211ActionFrame
    // byteLength TODO
    category = 3;
    int blockAckAction = 2; // representing DELBA

    // DELBA Parameter Set
    // It is set to 1 to indicate the originator and is set to 0 to indicate the recipient.
    // The Initiator subfield indicates if the originator or the recipient of the data is sending this frame.
    bool initiator;

    // The TID subfield indicates the TSID or the UP for which the Block Ack has been originally set up.
    int tid;

    // This Reason Code field is used to indicate the reason that an unsolicited notification management frame of
    // type Disassociation, Deauthentication, DELTS, DELBA, DLS Teardown, or Mesh Peering Close was
    // generated.
    int reasonCode;