Packet EtherPhyFrame

File: src/inet/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg

C++ definition

Represents an Ethernet PHY frame.


Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
EtherTraffic packet

Abstract base class for various Ethernet traffic types: EtherJam, EtherFilledIFG and EtherPhyFrame.


Name Type Description
srcMacFullDuplex bool

meta-info, for detecting model misconfiguration

Source code:

// Represents an Ethernet PHY frame.
// Contains:
//  - preamble: not stored (only contributes to length)
//  - SFD: not stored (only contributes to length)
//  - encapsulated EtherFrame with padding and FCS
packet EtherPhyFrame extends EtherTraffic
    byteLength = PREAMBLE_BYTES + SFD_BYTES;
    bool srcMacFullDuplex;  // meta-info, for detecting model misconfiguration 