Class Ieee802Ctrl

File: src/inet/linklayer/common/Ieee802Ctrl.msg

C++ definition

Control structure for communication between LLC and higher layers

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
src MACAddress

src MAC address (can be left empty when sending)

dest MACAddress

dest MAC address

etherType int

used with EthernetIIFrame

interfaceId int

incoming or outgoing interface (not needed everywhere)

switchPort int

swich port index (only in swiches)

userPriority int

802.1d User Priority (UP), 0..7. Note: In 802.11, UP corresponds to 0..7 TID values, and there's a standard static mapping from TID to AC (Access Category)

ssap int

used with IEEE 802 LLC (see EtherFrameWithLLC)

dsap int

used with IEEE 802 LLC (see EtherFrameWithLLC)

pauseUnits int


Source code:

// Control structure for communication between LLC and higher layers
class Ieee802Ctrl

    MACAddress src;  // src MAC address (can be left empty when sending)
    MACAddress dest; // dest MAC address
    int etherType @enum(EtherType);   // used with ~EthernetIIFrame
    int interfaceId; // incoming or outgoing interface (not needed everywhere)
    int switchPort = -1; // swich port index (only in swiches)
    int userPriority = -1; // 802.1d User Priority (UP), 0..7. Note: In 802.11, UP corresponds to 0..7 TID values, and there's a standard static mapping from TID to AC (Access Category)
    int ssap;        // used with IEEE 802 LLC (see ~EtherFrameWithLLC)
    int dsap;        // used with IEEE 802 LLC (see ~EtherFrameWithLLC)
    int pauseUnits;  // used with IEEE802CTRL_SENDPAUSE