Packet HttpServerStatusUpdateMsg

File: src/inet/applications/httptools/common/HttpEventMessages.msg

C++ definition

Server status update event

Used by the controller to trigger popularity modifications for web sites.

NEW: The definition has been migrated to OMNeT++ 4.0 and the latest INET version.

Author: Kristjan V. Jonsson

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
www string

Name of the WWW site.

setTime simtime_t

The event set time.

eventKind int

The event kind, e.g. ss_special.

pvalue double

The initial elevated probability.

pamortize double

The amortization factor -- i.e. how much the pvalue is decreased on each hit.

Source code:

// Server status update event
// Used by the controller to trigger popularity modifications for web sites.
// NEW: The definition has been migrated to OMNeT++ 4.0 and the latest INET version.
// @author  Kristjan V. Jonsson
packet HttpServerStatusUpdateMsg
    string www;             // Name of the WWW site.
    simtime_t setTime;      // The event set time.
    int eventKind;          // The event kind, e.g. ss_special.
    double pvalue;          // The initial elevated probability.
    double pamortize;       // The amortization factor -- i.e. how much the pvalue is decreased on each hit.