Simple Module RoutingTableRecorder

Package: inet.networklayer.ipv4
File: src/inet/networklayer/ipv4/RoutingTableRecorder.ned

C++ definition

Records changes in the routing tables (IPv4RoutingTable) and interface tables (InterfaceTable) of all hosts and routers. The filename has to be specified in the routinglog-file configuration option that this module registers.


Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
AODVNetwork network (no description)
DYMONetwork network


DynamicTest network (no description)
GPSRNetworkManual network (no description)
GPSRNetworkRandom network


Hierarchical99 network

This hierarchical network topology contains 3 levels, 72 hosts and 27 routers.

NeighborCacheTest network (no description)
ShortestPath network (no description)
SimpleRREQ network (no description)
SimpleRREQ2 network (no description)
SimpleTest network (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
enabled bool true


Name Value Description
display i=block/control_s

Source code:

// Records changes in the routing tables (~IPv4RoutingTable) and interface tables
// (~InterfaceTable) of all hosts and routers. The filename has to be specified
// in the routinglog-file configuration option that this module registers.
simple RoutingTableRecorder
        bool enabled = default(true);