
Name Type Description
MoBANCoordinator simple module

This is the coordinator module of the MoBAN mobility model. It should be instantiated in the top level simulation network in MiXiM, once per WBAN. The coordinator module is the main module that provides the group mobility and correlation between nodes in a WBAN. In the initialization phase, it reads three user defined input files which are the postures specification file, a configuration file which includes all required parameter for specific distributions, and the previously logged mobility pattern, if it is requested to use a logged pattern. Note that all WBAN instances may use the same input files if they are exactly in the same situation.

MoBANLocal simple module

This is the local mobility module of MoBAN. It should be instantiated in each node that belongs to a WBAN. The NED parameter "coordinatorIndex" determine to which WBAN (MoBANCoordinator) it belongs. The current implementation uses the Random Walk Mobility Model (RWMM) for individual (local) movement with a sphere around the node, with given speed and sphere radius of the current posture. The reference point of the node it the current posture, the sphere radius, and the speed is given by the corresponding coordinator. RWMM determines the location of node at ant time relative to the given reference point.