Channel fiberline

Package: inet.examples.mobileipv6
File: examples/mobileipv6/MIPv6Network.ned

(no description)


Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
DatarateChannel channel (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
disabled bool false
delay double 1us

propagation delay

datarate double 512Mbps

bits per second; 0=infinite

ber double 0

bit error rate (BER)

per double 0

packet error rate (PER)


Name Value Description
class cDatarateChannel


Name Type Unit
channelBusy long
messageSent omnetpp::cMessage
messageDiscarded omnetpp::cMessage


Name Title Source Record Unit Interpolation Mode
packetsDiscarded constant1(messageDiscarded) count? none
busy channelBusy vector? sample-hold
utilization timeavg(channelBusy) last?
packetBytes packetBytes(messageSent) sum? B none
throughput sumPerDuration(packetBits(messageSent)) last? bps
packets constant1(messageSent) count? none

Source code:

channel fiberline extends ned.DatarateChannel
        delay = 1us;
        datarate = 512Mbps;