Package inet.applications.tcpapp

Name Type Description
TCPBasicClientApp simple module

Client for a generic request-response style protocol over TCP. May be used as a rough model of HTTP or FTP users. Compatible with both IPv4 (IPv4) and IPv6.

TCPEchoApp simple module

Accepts any number of incoming TCP connections, and sends back the messages that arrive on them, The lengths of the messages are multiplied by echoFactor before sending them back (echoFactor=1 will result in sending back the same message unmodified.) The reply can also be delayed by a constant time (echoDelay parameter).

TCPGenericSrvApp simple module

Generic server application for modelling TCP-based request-reply style protocols or applications.

TCPSessionApp simple module

Single-connection TCP application: it opens a connection, sends the given number of bytes, and closes. Sending may be one-off, or may be controlled by a "script" which is a series of (time, number of bytes) pairs. May act either as client or as server, and works with TCPVirtualBytesSendQueue/RcvQueue as sendQueue/receiveQueue setting for TCP. Compatible with both IPv4 (IPv4) and IPv6.

TCPSinkApp simple module

Accepts any number of incoming TCP connections, and discards whatever arrives on them. Compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6.

TCPSrvHostApp simple module

This module hosts TCP-based server applications. It dynamically creates and launches a new "thread" object for each incoming connection.

TelnetApp simple module

Models Telnet sessions with a specific user behaviour. The server app should be TCPGenericSrvApp. Compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6.