The CSPF Algorithm

CSPF stands for Constraint Shortest Path First. This constraint-based routing is executed online by Ingress Router. The CSPF calculates an optimum explicit route (ER), based on specific constraints. CSPF relies on a Traffic Engineering Database (TED) to do those calculations. The resulting route is then used by RSVP-TE.

The CSPF in particular and any constraint based routing process requires following inputs:

There has been no standard for CSPF so far. The implementation of CSPF in the simulation is based on the concept of "induced graph" introduced in RFC 2702. An induced graph is analogous to a virtual topology in an overlay model. It is logically mapped onto the physical network through the selection of LSPs for traffic trunks. CSPF is similar to a normal SPF, except during link examination, it rejects links without capacity or links that do not match color constraints or configured policy. The CSPF algorithm used in the simulation has two phases. In the first phase, all the links that do not satisfy the constraints of bandwidth are excluded from the network topology. The link affinity is also examined in this phase. In the second phase, Dijkstra algorithm is performed.

Dijkstra Algorithm:

Dijkstra(G, w, s):
   S = empty set;
   Q = V[G];
   While Q is not empty {
       u = Extract-Min(Q);
       S = S union {u};
       for each vertex v in Adj[u] {
           relax(u, v, w);

In which: